8 results found oak

27 . Sep . 2016
Environmental and Social Benefits

Perfectly adapted to the warm climate and arid soil, cork oak forests protect against erosion and resulting desertification.

27 . Sep . 2016
Facts and Curiosities

Explore all the facts and cusiosities about cork and the importance of the oak tree and its forests

12 . Oct . 2016
Oak Tree

Mainly found in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, the oak tree has an average lifespan of over 200 years

12 . Oct . 2016
Oak Forest

With over 2.2 million hectares of cork forest, about one third (approximately 730 000 hectares) is situated in Portugal

27 . Sep . 2016
Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.)

100 percent natural, reusable and recyclable, cork is, whether from the environmental, social or economic perspectives, one of the world’s most versatile materials. It takes each cork oak 25 years before it can be stripped for the first time and it is only from the third stripping (at 43 years of age) that the cork, th…

27 . Sep . 2016
Preservation of the cork oak forest

It makes the cork viable in a unique manner, and as a result, the preservation of the cork oak forest, a unique example of green economy, which is based on a balance between economic, social and environmental issues. The constant concern to adopt and reinforce sustainable development practices makes Corticeira Amorim o…

12 . Oct . 2016
What is cork?

Cork is the bark of the Cork Oak tree (Quercus suber L). It is a completely natural raw material, with unique properties which give it an unrivalled character. It is light, impermeable to liquids and gases, elastic and compressible, provides thermal and acoustic insulation, it is a fire retardant and highly abrasion-re…


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